Customer Challenge
Fat Cat Enchilada is an Instagram based travel and lifestyle photography site. As the brand has grown, modernization of their photography workflow and expansion into video services have been necessary to accommodate cataloging photos and associating metatags for future searchability.
Fat Cat Enchilada was looking for a method to metatag photos prior to importation and processing from travel events and studio photography sessions as well as PRIOR to importation into lightroom and workflow processing. This solved two key business issues, secondary copies of the on-premise photos and metatag search capability for long-term access to the photos taken. A key business requirement was that they would be enabled to identify photos based upon metadata that included location, client (if a client is part of the shoot), intellectual property rights, publicly recognizable items in the photo (potentially to be integrated with AI/ML in the future), and custom tags such as the talent’s name and location of the photo. Actively searching the industry, it was clear there was no adequate software solution that would solve their need. Critical to their need, it was required that the solution to be Microsoft windows based, as this was their core technology capability, in addition they also needed to leverage Active Directory for single sign on.
CloudLogic helped FCE deploy a scalable, secure and innovative workflow solution service to support their expanding business, accelerate time to completion, and innovate their services through designing and deploying their Microsoft on AWS solution